What hair doesn't like.
1. Unhealthy environment, adverse factors.
- Emissions from cars, emissions from factory pipes form fine, oily dust that settles on all objects. Hair cease to breathe well and require frequent washing. This is especially felt in Great Britain – cities with a large population.
- Photo-action in the form of ultraviolet rays is dangerous by deep penetration. It is able not only to act from the outside, but also to reach the follicles.
- Sea water in combination with the wind, too, will not benefit the hair. Weakened by salt composition, they require restorative procedures. That is why autumn offers active nutrition and hydration that can bring the hair in the proper form.
- Chlorinated water in the pool dries strands, making them brittle. Similarly, there are cameras with tanning, even if the hair is covered.
2. Improper care.
- Shampoo, the priority in the purchase of which was the low cost, is able to add fat, dryness and dandruff. Washing hair compositions with a high content of alkali leads to the opening and lifting of scales, which remain in the new position. Some, 30 percent, manage to" smooth " air conditioning, and the rest is an open channel for the penetration of dust and harmful substances to the cortex.
- Vigorous brushing wet tangled in the leads to of excess pulling of hairs.
- Quick drying with a hot Hairdryer. A significant temperature difference between the scalp and heated air flow is unfavorable for hair.
- Curling tongs damp hair. Located in the stem cortex after washing swells from water. When hot directed air-jet cuticle begins to shrink, and the cortex, gaining increased size, puts pressure on the hair from within. The difference between a scalp and a hair tool is about 180C. The result is the rupture of the cuticle, which immediately affects the strength and elasticity of the ear.
- The use of too tight elastic bands, pins," pulling " strands, has a negative impact on the cuticle.
- Manipulation of the hair caused by their twisting (permanent), coloring, straightening, is not harmless, even if the manufacturer of the composition will mention it. Oxidizing components directly affect the natural protein of the hair, breaking molecular bonds to obtain a new texture hairstyles. Hair gets excessive dryness, increased porosity, which can not be completely eliminated. Worst of all, when the hair is burnt and break off at the top.
3. Individual characteristic.
- Innate density and condition of hair, the effect of medications, diet, stress, age-related and loss have an impact on the quality and health of your hair.
- Hair is one of the components of human beauty. They should be protected from an early age to old age. And if there are difficulties and problematic situations, you should consult with specialists.