
What is PRP hair therapy?

A woman's hair is her pride and her pain. Luxurious, thick, healthy hair makes ladies feel beautiful and confident. But when the hair becomes dull, brittle, and excessively shed, women's mood deteriorates.

The causes of excessive hair loss and unhealthy hair appearance can be found in many factors related to health and lifestyle. The solution to these problems should also be comprehensive. The solution to the underlying problem should be combined with special hair treatments. Many women who come to our IvanaFarisei beauty salon are interested in what is plasma replacement therapy is in the complex hair treatment.

What is PRP therapy for hair?

Often women believe that the problem of excessive hair loss can be solved with the help of nano hair extensions. They believe that after this procedure, their hair will change dramatically for the better. And they come to our beauty salon with this request. However, very often it is recommended to undergo PRP therapy to strengthen the hair before hair extensions.

Does prp work hair loss?

PRP therapy is one of the methods of hair regeneration at the intersection of medicine and cosmetology. It’s based on injections of platelets, important blood components, into the scalp. Platelet-rich plasma is a cocktail of proteins, trace elements and biologically active substances. It triggers hair growth factors, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, and restores the lost function of hair follicles.

Injections for hair growth: stages of the procedure

PRP therapy is performed after a preliminary consultation. Please note that it can’t be performed during pregnancy and lactation, in case of cancer and diabetes mellitus, and in case of blood pathologies.
Before & After
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  • the client's venous blood is taken into a special Ycellbio tube. For one procedure, 20 ml of blood is required;
  • the tube is placed in a centrifuge, in which the blood is divided into three fractions. The fraction with platelets is used for therapy;
  • plasma is injected into the scalp with a disposable syringe according to a special regimen. In case of partial alopecia, injections are made into the bald area, and in case of total hair loss, over the entire surface of the scalp.
At the client's request, PRP therapy can be performed with an anesthetic. The duration of one procedure is about 1 hour.

To answer your question: does platelet rich plasma work for hair loss, you need to prepare for the procedure properly. Two days before PRP therapy, you should exclude fatty, salty foods, smoked and fried foods, and alcohol from your diet. After taking antibiotics, at least 14 days should pass from the last pill. You should consume more vegetables and fruits, drink at least 1.5 litres of water per day. On the day of the procedure, breakfast should be light and low-fat. It’s better to eat 2-3 hours before therapy. It’s necessary to undergo a blood test to exclude contraindications.

Prp for hair before and after

Does prp work hair loss, you can feel after just two sessions. After the first procedure, clients notice that their hair has become shinier and healthier. After the second, hair loss is reduced, and new hairs appear, which gradually become stronger. PRP therapy stimulates the hair follicles. This allows not only to stop hair loss, but also to activate the growth of new hair.

The final result of PRP therapy depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Most clients notice visible changes in 2-3 months. The hair becomes thicker and healthier. For a long-lasting effect, 5-6 therapy sessions are prescribed once every 10-14 days.

Advantages of using your own plasma in PRP therapy

The success rate of PRP hair treatment is quite high ー 70-90%. Such indicators can be achieved because:
  • The body doesn’t need to adapt to the injected substance. Since the injections are made with the patient's own plasma, there is no rejection or allergic reaction;
  • Plasma is prepared immediately before injection, which means that no preservatives or storage errors are used;
  • Therapy doesn’t depend on gender, age, season or other restrictions.
PRP therapy compares favourably with other beauty salon procedures for strengthening hair. It’s aimed at combating the scalp dysfunction and has a high treatment success rate.

Indications for PRP therapy

Platelet-rich plasma has been used in many areas of medicine for decades. Our beauty salon recommends PRP therapy in the following cases:
  • excessive hair loss for any reason. And there can be quite a few of them: hormonal changes in the body, stress, thyroid disease, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, improper hair care;
  • itching, inflammation, increased oiliness of the scalp
  • slow growth, brittle, dry, dull hair;
  • before and after hair transplantation;
  • for those who want to have hair extensions or hair extensions maintenance, but the hair condition doesn’t allow to do it at the moment.
PRP therapy is indicated not only for women but also for men. Since they are genetically more prone to baldness, this procedure helps them maintain their natural hair, even if they already have manifestations of androgenetic alopecia.

Our beauty salon https://ivanafarisei.co.uk/ knows about cosmetic hair treatments for almost a century. High professionalism, an individual approach and the use of modern technologies allow us to achieve excellent results in restoring the health of the hair.

No procedure in our beauty salon is carried out without a preliminary consultation. At the very first meeting, we explain how plasma therapy works and you will find out the answer to frequently asked question: does prp work for hair regrowth? With us, you can be sure of the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. We meet every client's needs to make your luxurious hair a source of pride.